Brake Fluid Change

Hydraulic brakes have fluid that enables them to work. The longer the fluid is in the car, the more moisture it absorbs, reducing the boiling point of the fluid. The lower the boiling point the more chance of air bubbles forming as the fluid gets hot which will prevent your brakes working properly.

Most vehicle manufacturers recommend changing the brake fluid every 2 years. Even if it looks ok there may be moisture at the microscopic level that will affect your braking system.

Good Braking = Safety. You can replace the fluid for you as part of your service.

Engine Coolant Change

Coolant or antifreeze helps to regulate the temperature of your engine and prevent it from overheating. This means the car warming up quickly in cold weather and not getting overheating in war weather or when working hard. It also has a role to play in preventing corrosion in certain parts.

Doing a routine engine coolant or antifreeze change can help keep your car in peak condition. To do it we need to do drain the old coolant, flush out any remaining sediment, replace the filter and refill with new coolant.

Most vehicle manufacturers suggest changing the coolant every 2 years. It’s always best to check your vehicle’s handbook for manufacturer recommended intervals, If you don’t know when the last time change was ask your garage.

If it’s looking dirty and discoloured, you should change it now.